+33% lifetime profit |
ProCROSS is the only proven crossbreeding program used by progressive dairy farmers in the US, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Portugal and other countries. By now, the combination of VikingRed by VikingGenetics, Montbéliarde by Coopex Montbeliarde and Holstein has been proven to be the most profitable cross. The three breeds combine and compensate their strong and weak points. On top of that, you get the maximum heterosis.
ProCROSS is a breeding method developed by Coopex Montbéliarde and VikingGenetics
ProCROSS cows have 6 major strengths: Fertility, Health, Cull Value, Efficiency, Longevity & LifeTime Profit. These 6 advantages are the conclusion the most important scientific study lead by Professor Les Hansen from University of Minnesota. The results have been published in July 2019.
Fertility: Conception rate +10 points
The number of inseminations that you need per cow will be much lower. ProCROSS cows have proven to be more fertile. Fertility is one of the strengths from the VikingRed as well as the Montbéliarde breed that are used in ProCROSS. This means that you need less semen and inseminations to get your cows pregnant. More important you will cull less cows because of fertility problems. You need less young stock.
Health treatment costs: -26%
The ProCROSS cow is a much stronger cow than the pure Holstein. The Montbéliarde breed offers a lot of strength and excellent feet and legs. VikingRed are real healthy cows, just like the Montbéliarde. This makes the ProCROSS cow a much stronger cow. An extra benefit is heterosis. It is proven that heterosis has a positive influence on most health traits. Veterinarian cost go down with 26% in 2nd and 3rd lactation.
Cull value: +14%
The 10-year study made by the University of Minnesota in the USA, ProCROSS crossbreed cows produce 14% more cull value compared to their Holstein herd mates.
Feed efficiency: +8%
ProCROSS cows have a more stable body weight during the lactation. Their metabolic system is more stable then from the Holstein cow. The Holstein starts the lactation with to much body conditions and needs energy to convert her bodyfat to milk. In the end of the lactation the Holstein is to frail. ProCROSS cows can focus on producing milk from the feed they eat. Their feed efficiency is much better.
Longevity: +147 days in the herd
One of the most important conclusion of University of Minnesota study is that ProCROSS cows stay 147 more days in the herd than their Holstein herdmates. Longevity is a good indicator for profitability for commercial dairy farms. 147 days in the herd also means 147 days of production.
Lifetime profit: +33%
The ProCROSS cow does improve every lactation and produces more easily then your Holsteins. Your ProCROSS cows will stay 1 full lactation longer. This results in lower numbers of young stock. When looking at lifetime production: the ProCROSS cow is the kind of cow you want!
You are looking for information about:
- The VikingRed breed - VikingGenetics
- The Montbeliarde breed - Coopex Montbeliarde
- The ProCROSS concept : How it works, the main results, testimonials