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Australia, Ilanne progenyLe 23/10/2020 |
Let's go to Australia to start this week with lovely ILANNE progeny ! Thanks Auzred Xb our distributor in Australia for the good job done, and all Aussie breeders using COOPEX Montbéliarde genetics in their herd.
Without surprised ILANNE is also a best-seller abroad, as he is also coming from a great cow family : ILANNE is ELASTAR nephew, he is the son of Féeane : ELASTAR half sister, still in production in her 8th lactation ! In her 6th lactation, she produced 10063kg milk @4,45 % Fat and @3,72% Protein in only 285 days !
ILANNE is very popular due to all his qualities : Very highly proven bull with 465 milking daughters in France. ILANNE tickes all boxes : +535 kg milk with great solids +0,05% Protein & +0,12% Fat, ideal grazing type with medium stature, excellent Feet & Legs and great Udders System ! ILANNE is super easy calving, so excellent to use to heifers ! ILANNE is also one of the best bulls available in Temperament (Scored 131).
ILANNE permits to improve all health traits with super fertility, low SCC and high longevity : The Solution to prove how Montbeliarde breed to get more profitable cattle. Available in sexed semen and conventional semen, ILANNE is a fantastic bull to continue to prove how great COOPEX Montbéliarde & Umotest genetics works wordwilde.