

Looking for Udder specialists ?

Looking for Udder specialists ?

Le 28/05/2020

Looking for Udder specialists ?

NOELCERNEU and NOLIMIT are both in the Montbeliarde breed Hall of fame with an outstanding 135 for Udder index.
They are also in the Top 5 of montbeliarde bulls for overall TYPE at 128 for Noelcerneu and 130 for Nolimit.


Looking for long lasting cows ? Nolimit  transmits solid Type, especially Feet & Legs (115), leading to a very high daughter longevity (+1.5). Nolimit is easy calving and suitable to use on heifers.

Noelcerneu shows outstanding Fitness traits: +1,7 Longevity, +1.1 Udder health and +0,7 for reproduction along with a great milk proof at +611 kg.

And what about you ? Are you also becoming a fan of Noelcerneu or Nolimit ?
