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New MO proofs run April 2020Le 16/04/2020 |
The first proofs run released this year came with the base change. Due to the Montbeliade breed genetic progess, all bulls got their proofs decreasing a bit. In details, it means -3,3 ISU points for all MO bulls, with -37 kg Milk / -1,6 kg Fat / -1,9 kg Prot / -0,001%F / -0,008%P / -2,2 INEL point / -0,19 Milking Speed / +0,09 F&L / -0,72 Udder / +0,16 Beef / -0,61 Type. Among the TOP 15 ISU Montbeliarde bulls, 14 are from UMOTEST-COOPEX bulls stud : Opticom #1 montbeliarde, Odyno #2 montbeliade, Jintonic #1 proven sire ... COOPEX Montbeliarde is definitely once again the Leader for Montbeliarde genetics.
With 193 daughters in production, JINTONIC keeps holding the rank of #1 proven in the breed with high milk yield (+819), very high contents (+0,26%P, +0,36%F) and logically impressive solids production (+57kg F and +48kg P). With strong feet and legs (+115) and great udder systems very well attached (113 rear udder height and 119 rear udder width), his daughters will also be appreciated for their low somatic cell count (+0.3).
ODYNO is #2 Montbeliarde bull with 158 ISU.
He has very strong claims:
Production in quantity & quality: milk +937kg with +63kg solids (Prot & Fat), udder health +1.2, Milking Speed 121 and quiet temperament make him a great option for robotic milking too.
Superb type 118 with plenty strenght : body 111, lovely udders 118, high beef 106.
He is very easy calving 91, so he is very suitable to use on heifers
With +544 kg milk and positive %, he shows strong Fitness traits (repro +1.0) along with a solid type (110), especially in F&L (115), explaining easily with high daughter longevity (+0,7).
Easy calving (92), Ilanne progeny is also super easy to manage with a very quiet temperament (131).
His daughters are very suitable to adapt to each farming system : from intensive high input indoor systems with robotic milking until grazing systems too.
With 1705 daughters in production, Ilax is the most complete and balanced bull of the Montbeliarde breed.
His daughters are productive (+598 kg milk, +0,09% Prot and +0,06% Fat), with an excellent temperament scored at 123 (super quiet) and very good for milking speed (111). They got also all fitness quality to last longer in production in herd (PL +1,4 / low SCC +1,2 / strong udder health +0,8). Meantime, they show very strong type (114), compact body 110 with a lot of chest width (107), superb udder 111 and strong F&L 107. Finally ILAX is super easy calving 92, so he is very suitable to use on heifers.
He shows outstanding fitness traits: +1,7 longevity and +0,7 for reproduction along with a very great milk proof +611 kg. He is considered as the new sire star for the Montbeliarde breed, in 2019, already more than 10 000 AI with sexed semen had been done with him. For the Montbeliarde fans, NOELCERNEU got the similar type as the famous MICMAC without his weaknesses: strong chest width, nice temperament, positive solids %, good beef value.
Ranked among the highest milk yield bulls with +1061 kg, OLIFLY will suit very well all breeders looking for fancy udders 113 (excellent udder attachs and good udder cleft), he will transmit also good locomotion and strong F&L (111).
Advised to be used on heifers (91), OLIFLY is very easy calving, he will be a bull used a lot for both pure breed and crossbreeding. OLIFLY is positive for each functional traits : low somatic cells count +0,5 / great cow fertility +0,6 / excellent heifer fertility +0,9 / high longevity +0,8.